Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers Hardness Conversion Chart | Compare Rockwell and Brinell Hardness Test | CNCLATHING


There are multiple testing methods for hardness measurement, such as Rockwell, Brinell, and Vickers, which resulting in different expressions in hardness. Here provide the hardness conversion chart PDF version for checking and download. You can also use the hardness conversion calculator for metals (ASTM E140-97). Additionally, introducing difference between Rockwell and Brinell hardness test. 

What is Hardness of a Material?

The material hardness is one of the properties of a material, refers to the stiffness or resistance to plastic deformation by penetration and indentation, bending, scratching, machining, wear, yielding, abrasion or cutting. Hardness allows the metal to resist being permanently deformed when a load is applied. The harder the material is, the greater the resistance it has to deformation, which means the less likely it is to deform.  


Due to the multiplicity of hardness definitions and measuring instrument, the hardness is more likely to be a composite property of a material, reflects yield strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and more, while not a single feature.  When choosing a material or cutting tool to produce CNC machining parts, hardness should be considered.

Metal Hardness Tests - Difference Between Rockwell and Brinell Hardness Test

What is Rockwell hardness test? The Rockwell hardness test is a hardness measuring method using Rockwell scale to measure the depth of penetration of an indenter under a large load on the surface. Rockwell scale has different scales denoted by a single letter. The higher the number in the scales means the harder is the material. 


What is Brinell Hardness Test? The Brinell hardness test is the method measuring hardness through measuring the diameter of the indentation left by an indenter or other materials of a specified diameter, under a certain load into the surface. 


The Rockwell method is the most commonly used and versatile hardness test. It does not need any material preparation and extra equipment, easy to read, and also quicker and cheaper than the Brinell and Vickers tests.

Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers Hardness Conversion Chart/Table

The hardness conversion table presents date in Rockwell (A, B, C, D, E, F), Rockwell Superficial, Brinell, Vickers, Shore and Approximate Tensile strength. You can convert hardness from HRB to HRC, HB to HRC, HB to HV, or other forms.

Hardness Conversion Chart PDF

Check out the steel hardness comparison chart gives approximate conversion, involves Vickers (HV), Brinell (HB), Rockwell (HRB, HRC), and Leeb (HLE).
