CNC Motion Control: What Are The Types Of Motion Control In CNC Machines?


Motion control is mainly divided into two directions, one is motion control, which is usually used in the field of automatic machinery. The other is process control, which is usually used in the chemical industry. Motion control is a kind of servo system which originated in the early days. based on the control of the motor, it can control the angular displacement, torque, speed and other physical changes of the object. This guide briefly introduces the motion control methods of CNC machines.

What Is Motion Control

Motion control exists in many automatic devices, such as robotics, CNC machines and kinematics, among which motion control in kinematics is usually simpler. Motion control is an important part of industrial robots and CNC machines, but in these cases, it is more complex than when it is used with special machines that are usually simpler in kinematics. The latter is commonly referred to as universal motion control.

The basic design of the motion control system will include a motion controller to generate a group of points, including closing a position, a driver or amplifier to convert the control signal of the motion controller into high-power current, an actuator, one or more feedback sensors and digital control machine tool components to convert the motion of the actuator into the required motion.

The CNC machine uses programmable commands to make it easier to input motion to the CNC machine, rather than using a crank or other conventional machine tools. Almost all CNC machines can have programmable motion types (whether fast, linear or circular), amount of motion, feedback rate and axis to move.

Motion control is a relatively simple function in any CNC machine. It is an accurate, consistent and automatic control system. CNC machines require two or more directional modes, which are called axes. There are two common types of axes, called linear axes and rotational axes. The motion control of the linear axis type is driven along a straight path, while the rotation axis type is driven along a circular path.


Application Of Motion Control

Motion control is mainly used in packaging, textile, assembly industry, printing and semiconductor production. The hardware of motion control machine is usually composed of drive system, motor, computer, PLC or programmable logic controller running program and amplifier.


Basic Motion Types Of CNC Machine

Rapid motion

Rapid motion is a type of control mode used to command the CNC machine to operate at its fastest speed. It is used to minimize the non production time in the processing cycle. Common uses of fast motion include positioning and moving tools to and from the cutting position, moving to remove clamps and other obstacles, and any non cutting motion that is usually during the program. Most CNC machines use G00 as the command to start fast movement. In G00 command, the end point of motion is given.

Straight line motion

This type of motion allows the programmer to command perfect linear motion, as discussed earlier when we discussed linear interpolation. This joint type also allows the programmer to specify the motion rate (feed rate) to be used during the motion. Linear motion can be used at any time when linear cutting motion is required, including drilling, turning straight diameter, end face or taper, and milling straight surfaces.

Circular motion

This type of motion makes the CNC machine move in the form of a circular path. As discussed earlier when we introduced circular interpolation, this joint type is used to generate radius during machining.

Two G codes are used for circular motion. G02 is usually used to specify clockwise movement, while G03 is used to specify counterclockwise movement. To evaluate which to use, the operator only needs to view the motion from the same angle as the NC machine. For example, if you perform a circular motion in the XY direction on the machining center, you can view the motion from the favorable position of the spindle. If you are moving in a circle in the XZ direction at the turning center, you can view the movement from above the spindle.

This article mainly introduces that there are three types of motion control modes of CNC machines. Through the article, we can learn that there are three types of control modes: fast motion, linear motion and circular motion. In addition, the paper also introduces that the hardware of motion control machine is usually composed of drive system, motor, computer, PLC or programmable logic controller running program and amplifier.
