Different Types of Lock Nuts | How Do Lock Nuts Work | CNCLATHING


A lock nut is a special type of nut that won’t loosen even exposed to vibrations, according to the various applications, a wide array of lock nuts come in different designs. Here we’ll discuss the types of lock nuts and how do lock nuts work. For stable structure and higher security, CNClathing.com offers quality metal cam lock nut used in the lock installation.

What are Lock Nuts?

A lock nut, also referred to as locknut, locking nut, and self-locking nut, is a kind of fastener that used to secure bolted joints and resist loosening under vibration and torque. After inserting a bolt through the objects, a lock nut can be twisted onto the end of the bolt (from the backside of the object), in conjunction with the bolt and secure the whole part. The lock nuts can prevent loosening either utilizing the friction or some positive locking device, depending on its structure and materials. The installation procedure is basically the same as normal nuts. 

How Does Lock Nuts Work?

Unlike traditional nuts only contains a basic threaded hole, the lock nut generally features a unique design that avoids the nut loosening from the bolt where they are placed when under vibrations. There are different varieties of locking nuts, such as the metal nut, employs metal to create friction, and the nylon insert lock nut, incorporate a polymer in the design against loosening. When a nylon lock nut is placed on a bolt, the nylon fibers expand to grip the bolt. The metal lock nuts work to secure the bolts in different ways. 

Different Types of Lock Nuts

The most common lock nuts types are metal lock nuts and nylon insert lock nuts. The metal lock nuts can be divided into more different varieties. Here we listed the common types of lock nuts with figures you can identify it more easily. 

1. Nylon insert lock nuts

This type of lock nuts have a layer of nylon insert inside of the nut, when you put the bolt through, it starts to thread the nylon, then it puts pressure on the screw and prevents it from vibrating loose and even falling off. The nylon insert nut features an internal nylon washer or patch, the addition of non-metal material makes the nut is more sensitive to temperature and chemicals. To install the nylon insert lock nuts, a tool is required. 

2. Hex jam nuts

The jam nut is usually used with another nut together, you should tighten them up against each other, that’s why they called jam nuts and how they work. They can also be used in a tight area where a full-sized nut can’t be completely placed. 

3. Prevailing torque locking nut (Stover lock nut)

It has a locking mechanism that’s built into the cone, as you put it on, it starts to act like a locking nut, its self-contained feature creates frictional interference between the threads of the mating components. When fastening a prevailing torque lock nut, there is a resistance to rotation during both assembly and disassembly requiring them to be wrenched; that resistance is called prevailing torque. They can be adjusted or removed after installation. 

4. Two-way lock nut (Center lock nut)

There is a small mark in the middle position on the outside of the nut, almost like a punch right in the center, that shows it’s a two-way nut, as the name suggests, this kind of nut is locking in two ways, whether you put it on or off, once you start to screw up to that size, it will start to lock. Both Stover lock nut and two-way lock nuts use distorted threads to keep the nuts from loosening. The difference is that the distorted thread of Stover nuts is at the top and two-way nuts have it located in the center. 

5. Serrated Flange lock nut

This lock nut has an integral flange built into it and the backside is serrated, typically used in applications where you have some type of metal sheeting or something that has metal. After you tighten it down, the serrations will prevent it from backing off. 

6. Keps K-Lock nut

K-Lock nuts have little wings around, which is movable, it’s a free-rolling washer lock nut, when the wings get tightened, note not to over tighten it, because once you over tighten the nut, it’s no longer a lock nut, and that free rolling washer gets crushed, it doesn’t work for you anymore.

7. Castle lock nut (Castellated nut)

Castle lock nuts are a type of nut with slots cut into one end, typically used in low-torque applications, such as holding a car wheel bearing in place, you can find them on axles when they hold on wheels and bearings.
