G-Code Vs M-Code: What is the Difference Between G Code and M Code in CNC Programming


CNC systems are widely used in manufacturing processes to automate machinery and tools. A crucial component of CNC programming lies in the use of G-codes and M-codes, two distinct languages that instruct CNC machines regarding various operations. In this guide, we talk about the difference between G-code and M-code in the CNC machining process.

What Are G Code and M Code in CNC Programming?

G Code: What are G Codes Used for in CNC

G-code is the most common CNC programming language used to control motion and position of machine tools like milling machines, lathes, routers, welding machines, 3D printers etc.

– G-code commands start with the letter G followed by a numeric code. For example, G01, G02, G03 and so on.

– G-codes are used mainly to specify the type of motion, feed rates, coordinate offsets and canned cycles needed to machine the part.

G-code programs describe the tool path and motion geometry needed to machine the part. CAD/CAM software automatically generates optimized G-code programs required by the CNC machine.

What is M-Code: What are M Codes Used for in CNC

M-codes are miscellaneous commands used in CNC programming to control machine functions like coolant, spindle speed, tool change etc.

– M-codes start with the letter M followed by numeric codes. For example, M03, M05, M30 etc.

– M-codes control auxiliary functions and machine modes like turning on/off coolant, spindle speed override, pallet change, program end etc.

G-Code Vs M-Code: Differences Between G and M Codes 

– G-codes mainly control motion and location. M-codes control machine functions.

– G-codes move the tool while M-codes activate the machine capabilities needed for cutting.

– G-codes depend on the machine type while M-codes are more generic across machine tools.

– A complete CNC program requires both G and M-codes for machining a part. G-codes define the toolpath geometry while M-codes manage the machine actions.

G Code and M Code Commands List

G Code List – G Codes for CNC Lathe

G00: Rapid Position Motion

G01: Linear Interpolation Motion or Linear Motion, Chamfer and Corner Rounding – Modal

G02: CW Circulation Interpolation Motion – Modal

G03: CCW Circular Interpolation Motion – Modal

G04: Dwell (P) P=Seconds. Milliseconds

G05: Fine Spindle Control Motion (Live Tooling) – Optional

G09: Exact Stop

G10: Programmable Offset Setting

M Codes for CNC Lathes

M00: Program Stop – Modal

M01: Optional Program Stop – Modal

M02: Program End – Modal

M03: Spindle on Forward (S) – Modal

M04: Spindle on Reverse (S) – Modal

M05: Spindle Stop – Modal

M08: Coolant On – Modal

M09: Coolant Off – Modal

M10: Chuck Clamp – Modal

G Code List for CNC Milling

G00: Rapid Motion

G01: Linear Interpolation Motion

G02: CW Interpolation Motion

G03: CCW Interpolation Motion

G04: Dwell

G09: Exact Stop

G10: Programmable Offset Setting

G12: CW Circular Pock Milling (Yasnac)

G13: CCW Circular Pock Milling (Yasnac)

G17: XY Plane Selection

M Codes for CNC Milling

M00: Program Stop

M01: Optional Program Stop

M02: Program End (Setting 39)

M03: Spindle On, Clockwise (S) (Setting 144)

M04: Spindle On, Counterclockwise (S) (Setting 144)

M05: Spindle Stop

M06: Tool Change (T) (Setting 42, 87, 155)

M08: Coolant On (Setting 32)

M09: Coolant Off

M10: 4th Axis Brake On

Bonus Tips

How Do I Make Programming for CNC? 

– The first step towards making a CNC program is understanding the G codes and M codes. Which are referred to as preparatory codes and miscellaneous codes.

By knowing what individual g codes and m codes are and how the machine functions , you can start combining individual g and m codes to form “ program blocks”.

– The next step would be to have knowledge about things like work offsets, tool offsets, what they are and how they are incorporated in programming.

– Another critical ability would be the ability to understand the engineering drawing and using that to machine in practical sense.

With these three main ideas one can make a CNC program with ease .

A good programmer can use various methods to reduce the cycle time of machining and hence save a lot of time and improve the productivity on the whole.
