Guide to CNC Milling Titanium – Tips & Methods for Milling Machining Titanium Alloy | CNCLATHING


The special properties of titanium alloy make it an attractive material for metalworking to fabricate products for lots of critical industries, also affect its machinability in CNC machining, so in this article, will discuss the tips and method of CNC milling titanium and titanium alloy.


Tips for Titanium Milling Process – What Conditions Does CNC Milling Titanium Need?

Many challenges and problems in traditional titanium milling and processing are not inevitable, the key point is to overcome the influence from the properties of the metal.
1)Compared with other metal, titanium machining is not only more demanding, but also has more restrictions. In the machine shop, according to the requirements of titanium machining, choose right tool and use it correctly, optimize the machine tool and configuration to the best condition, to obtain processing with high performance.
2)From titanium properties, it has an excellent strength-weight ratio and density is 60% of that of steel, lower coefficient of elasticity than steel, higher hardness, better deflection, higher corrosion resistance and low in thermal conductivity. All of these make it generate higher and more concentrated cutting force in the machining process, it’s also easy to causes vibration and milling chatter, if the material react with cutting tools, the crater wear will be aggravated. In addition, due to the poor thermal conductivity, the cutting heat may concentrate in the cutting area, so choosing a titanium cutting tool with high thermal hardness is important.
3)In the actual titanium alloy milling process, it’s not easy to meet all the requirements, because the optimal conditions and machining stability are not always available, in fact, the shape or geometry of lots of titanium machined parts is complex and custom, it may contain fine or deep cavities, thin walls, bevels, curves, thin brackets or other features, to machine titanium with these details, large overhanging milling cutters with small diameters should be applied, but it will affect the stability of tools, other potential problems are also likely to occur in the cutting process.
4)Titanium alloy is a difficult-to-process material for many workshops, however, many problems can be solved with modern machining solutions and tools. Compared with other metals, titanium CNC milling is a relative new technology and not that experienced, in addition, the titanium products often used in aerospace and military equipment, which raises the standards of the titanium items, so it seems to be more difficult to machine titanium. Generally, the tool and speed used in machining of cast iron or low alloy steel are not suitable for machining titanium.
5)Even make comparison with stainless steel CNC machining, the titanium processing is still more challenging. Different cutting speed, feed rate and precautions are needed to be taken to process titanium, as long as there are stable workpiece and machine tool, right cutting tool and setup, firm clamping, appropriate cutting force, good working condition, and ISO50 spindle with short tool overhang is equipped, all problems will be solved.
