When forces are large or rigid connections are required, a special type of bolt called HSFG bolt is often used. What are HSFG bolts? What is the difference between high strength friction grip bolts and normal bolts, let’s learn about those in this article. What Are High Strength Friction Grip Bol......
Bolt is a common type of fastener with external threads, long-term use of bolts may occur loose connection, which will influence the efficiency of equipment and even safety accidents. How to stop bolts and nuts from loosening? Here we’ll present 8 thread (fastener) locking methods. How to Stop Bo......
Many products printed by 3D printers are defective, and the surface is usually rough, which can not achieve the desired results, so some post-processing technologies often needed for cleaning and finishing. Today, let’s talk about 6 types of 3D printing post processing. 6 Post Processing Me......
There are a lot of commonly used 3D printing techniques, in this article, follow us to understand the SLS 3D printing, what is SLS and how does it work? And SLS vs SLM 3D printing, what’s the difference between them? What is SLS 3D Printing? ......
Support structures in 3D printing are used to provide a supporting function to the parts to be printed, and not part of the model itself. In this guide, we are going to talk about when should you use 3D print support, its drawbacks, types, and removal. When to Use Support in 3D Printing? ......
CNC milling is one of the most famous rapid prototyping methods. Despite the fierce competition of 3D printing, most designers still like it. This may be due to the vitality it provides. We use CNC milling to process a series of projects and materials. This article will introduce the top machining projects that we can use CNC milling. CNC Milling Technology of Plastic Engineering ......
In order to reduce the loss caused by the corrosion of metal parts, there are various methods to prevent metal corrosion. How to Reduce Corrosion of Metal Parts - Metal Corrosion Prevention Methods 1. ......
Machining center accuracy detection can be divided into positioning accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy. The positioning accuracy detection method is introduced here. The movement of the CNC machine tool is realized by digital program instructions, so the positioning accuracy depends on the CNC system and mechanical transmission error. The movement of the moving parts of the machine tool is completed under the control of the numerical control device. The accuracy of the moving parts under the control of th......