Our modern world depends on the machine shop, metal is shaped into gears, axles, pistons, sleeves, and pins. that make the airplane possible. that gives us our modern trains and provides us with the machines necessary for our national welfare. each machined piece of steel is so carefully made, that it can take its place on the assembly line, miles away from the machine shop. the gear starts as rough stock, which must be drilled, bored, and reamed to exact size on a lathe, looks like an internal tapering gear......
A lathe machine is a machine tool used to create turned components with the desired shape and size. Common types of lathes including engine lathe, speed lathe, turret lathe, bench lathe, tool room lathe, wood lathe, CNC lathe, and special lathe. In this post, follow us to understand what is engine lathe and how does it work, as well as the main parts of engine lathe machine and their uses. ......
The injection mold machine is the primary molding tool for thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics, and it employs plastic molding dies to produce a wide range of plastic products. Divided into vertical, horizontal, all-electric. During injection molding, it may occur overflow of injection molding machine head for some reasons, which is also known as flashing, overflowing edge, drape and so on, mostly occurs in the mold closing position. Such as: the parting surface of the mold, the sliding part of the slider, th......
There are 4 cases of plastic shrinkage: thermal shrinkage, phase transition shrinkage, orientation shrinkage, compression shrinkage and elastic recovery. And the shrinkage process consists of three parts: shrinkage before solidification, cooling shrinkage and shrinkage after demoulding. In this article, we analyze what causes plastic shrinkage and how to fix them & how can we prevent plastic shrinkage. What Causes......
The threaded pipe can provide effective sealing when conveying liquid, gas, steam, and hydraulic fluid. These threads can be produced on different materials with CNC services and other techniques. One of the common standard threads is NPT, you may have heard 1/8 NPT thread and 1/2 NPT thread, what do they mean? Here we’ll explain what NPT stands for, the characteristics of NPT threads and the basics of NPT thread sizes, you can also check out the NPT thread size table. ......
Flow line is generally related to injection parameters, mold and injection material, it can be defined as linear grooving, or circular ripples, on the surface of an injection molded part that indicate the direction of material flow within the cavity of the mold. In this guide, we cover analysis and solution of flow lines in injection molding. Common Injection Mold Flow Lines ......
Machining is generally carried out in two steps with different cutting parameters and provides varying results. Roughing is usually the first process, which followed by finishing. Go through all the stages, the desired CNC products can be obtained from blanks. In this article, we put the focus on what is roughing in machining, the difference between roughing and finishing. ......
PLA and ABS are common materials in manufacturing, we get asked that PLA vs ABS, what’s the difference? From the definition to properties to application, we’ll explain the PLA and ABS in detail, also compare ABS and PLA filaments in printing. What is PLA? ......