What Is a Blind Flange – Blind Flange Dimensions Chart in MM & Inch (Class 150 to 2500)


Whether you’re an engineer, technician, or someone involved in industrial operations, knowing what a blind flange is and how it works can make a significant difference in your projects. We’ll explore the definition, types, applications, and dimensions of blind flanges, ensuring you have all the necessary knowledge to select and use them effectively in your piping systems.

What Is a Blind Flange?

Blind flanges are crucial components in piping systems designed to block off sections of pipelines or vessel openings. They are essentially solid discs used to cover or close the end of a pipe, valve, fitting, or equipment nozzle. Blind flanges play a vital role in terminating or isolating piping systems, especially during non-destructive testing such as hydrostatic testing. They offer the flexibility to expand the piping system or install new equipment in the future. Proper selection and installation of blind flanges are essential to ensure the integrity and safety of the piping system, as they must withstand factors such as pressure, temperature, and pipe size.

Blind Flange vs Blank Flange, What Are the Differences

A blank flange is a flat, usually circular plate with no openings. It’s used to cover or close the end of a pipe, valve, or vessel. Blank flanges are commonly used in piping systems for maintenance, testing, or when a future connection might be required. They’re available in various materials and sizes to suit different applications. Below are some differences between blank flanges and blind flanges.

Feature Blank Flange Blind Flange
Application Used for temporary sealing or when future access is needed. Used for permanent sealing or high-pressure applications.
Design Flat, circular plate with no openings. Solid face with no center hole.
Materials Can be made from any material compatible with the piping system. Typically made from forged steel, cast iron, stainless steel, brass, or plastic.
Usage Scenario Suitable for situations where the pipe might need to be reopened. Ideal for scenarios requiring a permanent seal or high

Types of Blind Flanges

Blind flanges come in many different designs, each has its own advantages or serves specific uses.
1. Spectacle Blind Flange
The spectacle blind flange, also known as a figure-8 flange or spectacle blind, is a specialized component used in piping systems to control and isolate fluid flow. It consists of two metal discs connected by a small section of steel, forming a figure-8 shape. One disc is solid, which blocks the flow when aligned with the pipeline, while the other disc has a hole that allows fluid to pass through. By rotating the spectacle blind flange, the solid disc can be aligned with the pipeline opening to block flow or positioned to allow flow. This design allows for easy switching between open and closed states without the need to remove bolts. This type is ideal for maintenance or shutdown purposes, enabling quick isolation of pipeline sections for inspection or repair.

2. Line Blind Flange
A line blind flange, also known as a paddle blind flange, features a paddle-like insert that can be inserted or removed without disassembling the entire piping system. Line blind flanges consist of two main components: a solid blind flange, which blocks the flow of fluids or gases, and a spacer that maintains alignment when the blind flange is removed. The solid blind flange is placed between two open flanges to stop the flow through a pipe, while the spacer allows for flow when the blind flange is removed. This design allows for frequent maintenance, cleaning, or inspection without the need for extensive disassembly. Line blind flanges are commonly used in applications where frequent access to the pipeline is required, such as in chemical plants or refineries. They are also used in compliance with standards like ASME B16.48, which covers pressure, temperature ratings, materials, dimensions, and testing for operational line blanks.

3. Raised Face Blind Flange
A raised-face blind flange (RF blind flange) is a specialized type of blind flange designed for high-pressure and high-temperature applications. It features a raised ring or face around the borehole, which enhances its sealing capability by concentrating pressure on a smaller gasket area when mated with a similarly raised face flange. This design allows for a stronger and more reliable seal, making it ideal for industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation where robust sealing is crucial.

4. Flat Face Blind Flange
A flat-face blind flange is a type of flange with a completely flat surface, designed to create a seal when bolted to a mating flat-face flange. It lacks any raised or recessed features on the sealing surface, it is suitable for low-pressure applications where full contact with a gasket is needed. These flanges are commonly used in plumbing systems, water treatment facilities, and other industrial settings where simplicity and ease of installation are important. The straightforward installation process involves aligning the flange with the pipe’s bolt holes, placing a gasket between them, and tightening the bolts evenly to ensure a secure seal.

5. Ring Type Joint (RTJ) Blind Flange
A Ring-type joint blind flange features a precision-machined groove on its face that accommodates a metal ring gasket, typically made from materials like soft iron, stainless steel, titanium, or other alloys. When bolted to a mating flange, the metal ring gasket compresses into the groove, creating a reliable, leak-proof metal-to-metal seal that can withstand extreme conditions. RTJ Blind Flanges are particularly valuable in critical applications within industries like oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation, where their ability to handle pressures up to 20,000 psi and temperatures exceeding 750°C makes them indispensable for maintaining system integrity and safety.

Blind Flange Dimensions & Size Chart in MM and Inches (ANSI/ASME B16.5)

Class 150 for a blind flange refers to its pressure rating classification according to the ASME B16.5 standard. This classification indicates that the flange is designed to withstand a specific pressure level, which is the lowest among the various classes (150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) defined by this standard.

On the drawing,

A = Overall Diameter

C = Flange Thickness

G = Face Diameter

I = Bolt Hole Diameter

J = Diameter of Circle of Holes

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 150

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 3.500 88.90 0.440 11.20 1.380 35.10 4 0.620 15.70 2.380 60.45 0.42
3/4 1.050 26.70 3.880 98.60 0.500 12.70 1.690 42.90 4 0.620 15.70 2.750 69.85 0.61
1 1.315 33.40 4.250 108.0 0.560 14.20 2.000 50.80 4 0.620 15.70 3.120 79.25 0.86
11/4 1.660 42.20 4.620 117.3 0.620 15.70 2.500 63.50 4 0.620 15.70 3.500 88.90 1.17
11/2 1.900 48.30 5.000 127.0 0.690 17.50 2.880 73.15 4 0.620 15.70 3.880 98.60 1.53
2 2.375 60.30 6.000 152.4 0.750 19.10 3.620 91.90 4 0.750 19.10 4.750 120.7 2.42
21/2 2.875 73.00 7.000 177.8 0.880 22.40 4.120 104.6 4 0.750 19.10 5.500 139.7 3.94
3 3.500 88.90 7.500 190.5 0.940 23.90 5.000 127.0 4 0.750 19.10 6.000 152.4 4.93
31/2 4.000 101.6 8.500 215.9 0.940 23.90 5.500 139.7 8 0.750 19.10 7.000 177.8 6.17
4 4.500 114.3 9.000 228.6 0.940 23.90 6.190 157.2 8 0.750 19.10 7.500 190.5 7.00
5 5.563 141.3 10.00 254.0 0.940 23.90 7.310 185.7 8 0.880 22.40 8.500 215.9 8.63
6 6.625 168.3 11.00 279.4 1.000 25.40 8.500 215.9 8 0.880 22.40 9.500 241.3 11.3
8 8.625 219.1 13.50 342.9 1.120 28.40 10.62 269.7 8 0.880 22.40 11.75 298.5 19.6
10 10.75 273.0 16.00 406.4 1.190 30.20 12.75 323.9 12 1.000 25.40 14.25 362.0 28.8
12 12.75 323.8 19.00 482.6 1.250 31.75 15.00 381.0 12 1.000 25.40 17.00 431.8 43.2
14 14.00 355.6 21.00 533.4 1.380 35.10 16.25 412.8 12 1.120 28.40 18.75 476.3 58.1
16 16.00 406.4 23.50 596.9 1.440 36.60 18.50 469.9 16 1.120 28.40 21.25 539.8 76.0
18 18.00 457.2 25.00 635.0 1.560 39.60 21.00 533.4 16 1.250 31.75 22.75 577.9 93.7
20 20.00 508.0 27.50 698.5 1.690 42.90 23.00 584.2 20 1.250 31.75 25.00 635.0 122
24 24.00 609.6 32.00 812.8 1.880 47.80 27.25 692.2 20 1.380 35.10 29.50 749.3 185

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 300

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 3.750 95.20 0.560 14.20 1.380 35.10 4 0.620 15.70 2.620 66.55 0.64
3/4 1.050 26.70 4.620 117.3 0.620 15.70 1.690 42.90 4 0.750 19.00 3.250 82.50 1.11
1 1.315 33.40 4.880 123.9 0.690 17.50 2.000 50.80 4 0.750 19.00 3.500 88.90 1.39
11/4 1.660 42.20 5.250 133.3 0.750 19.00 2.500 63.50 4 0.750 19.00 3.880 98.50 1.79
11/2 1.900 48.30 6.120 155.4 0.810 20.60 2.880 73.15 4 0.880 22.3 4.500 114.3 2.66
2 2.375 60.30 6.500 165.1 0.880 22.30 3.620 91.90 8 0.750 19.10 5.000 127.0 3.18
21/2 2.875 73.00 7.500 190.5 1.000 25.40 4.120 104.6 8 0.880 22.30 5.880 1.493 4.85
3 3.500 88.90 8.250 209.5 1.120 28.40 5.000 127.0 8 0.880 22.30 6.620 168.1 6.81
31/2 4.000 101.6 9.000 228.6 1.190 30.20 5.500 139.7 8 0.880 22.30 7.250 184.1 8.71
4 4.500 114.3 10.00 254.0 1.250 31.70 6.190 157.2 8 0.880 22.30 7.800 200.1 11.5
5 5.563 141.3 11.00 279.4 1.380 35.00 7.310 185.7 8 0.880 22.30 9.250 234.9 15.6
6 6.625 168.3 12.50 317.5 1.440 36.50 8.500 215.9 12 0.880 22.30 10.62 269.7 20.9
8 8.625 219.1 15.00 381.0 1.620 41.10 10.62 269.7 12 1.000 25.40 13.00 330.2 34.3
10 10.75 273.0 17.50 444.5 1.880 47.70 12.75 323.9 16 1.120 28.40 15.25 387.3 53.3
12 12.75 323.8 20.50 520.7 2.000 50.80 15.00 381.0 16 1.250 31.70 17.75 450.8 78.8
14 14.00 355.6 23.00 584.2 2.120 53.80 16.25 412.8 20 1.250 31.70 20.25 514.3 105
16 16.00 406.4 25.50 647.7 2.250 57.15 18.50 469.9 20 1.380 35.00 22.50 571.5 137
18 18.00 457.2 28.00 711.2 2.380 60.45 21.00 533.4 24 1.380 35.00 24.75 628.6 175
20 20.00 508.0 30.50 774.7 2.500 63.50 23.00 584.2 24 1.380 35.00 27.00 685.8 221
24 24.00 609.6 36.00 914.4 2.750 69.85 27.25 692.2 24 1.620 41.10 32.00 812.8 339

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 400

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 3.750 95.20 0.560 14.20 1.380 35.10 4 0.620 15.70 2.620 66.55 0.76
3/4 1.050 26.70 4.620 117.3 0.620 15.70 1.690 42.90 4 0.750 19.10 3.250 82.60 1.28
1 1.315 33.40 4.880 123.9 0.690 17.50 2.000 50.80 4 0.750 19.10 3.500 88.90 1.60
11/4 1.660 42.20 5.250 133.3 0.810 20.60 2.500 63.50 4 0.750 19.10 3.880 98.60 2.23
11/2 1.900 48.30 6.120 155.4 0.880 22.30 2.880 73.15 4 0.880 22.40 4.500 114.3 3.25
2 2.375 60.30 6.500 165.1 1.000 25.40 3.620 91.90 8 0.750 19.10 5.000 127.0 4.15
21/2 2.875 73.00 7.500 190.5 1.120 28.40 4.120 104.6 8 0.880 22.40 5.880 149.4 6.13
3 3.500 88.90 8.250 209.5 1.250 31.70 5.000 127.0 8 0.880 22.40 6.620 168.1 8.44
31/2 4.000 101.6 9.000 228.6 1.380 35.00 5.500 139.7 8 1.000 25.40 7.250 184.2 11.0
4 4.500 114.3 10.00 254.0 1.380 35.10 6.190 157.2 8 1.000 25.40 7.880 200.2 13.7
5 5.563 141.3 11.00 279.4 1.500 38.10 7.310 185.7 8 1.000 25.40 9.250 235.0 18.5
6 6.625 168.3 12.50 317.5 1.620 41.10 8.500 215.9 12 1.000 25.40 10.62 269.7 25.5
8 8.625 219.1 15.00 381.0 1.880 47.80 10.62 269.7 12 1.120 28.40 13.00 330.2 42.6
10 10.75 273.0 17.50 444.5 2.120 53.80 12.75 323.9 16 1.250 31.75 15.25 387.4 64.5
12 12.75 323.8 20.50 520.7 2.250 57.15 15.00 381.0 16 1.380 35.10 17.75 450.9 94.30
14 14.00 355.6 23.00 584.2 2.380 60.45 16.25 412.8 20 1.380 35.10 20.25 514.4 124
16 16.00 406.4 25.50 647.7 2.500 63.50 18.50 469.9 20 1.500 38.10 22.50 571.5 162
18 18.00 457.2 28.00 711.2 2.620 66.55 21.00 533.4 24 1.500 38.10 24.75 628.7 205
20 20.00 508.0 30.50 774.7 2.750 69.85 23.00 584.2 24 1.620 41.10 27.00 685.8 254
24 24.00 609.6 36.00 914.4 3.000 76.20 27.25 692.2 24 1.880 47.80 32.00 812.8 386

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 600

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 3.750 95.20 0.560 14.20 1.380 35.10 4 0.620 15.70 2.620 66.55 0.76
3/4 1.050 26.70 4.620 117.3 0.620 15.70 1.690 42.90 4 0.750 19.10 3.250 82.60 1.28
1 1.315 33.40 4.880 123.9 0.690 17.50 2.000 50.80 4 0.750 19.10 3.500 88.90 1.60
11/4 1.660 42.20 5.250 133.3 0.810 20.60 2.500 63.50 4 0.750 19.10 3.880 98.60 2.23
11/2 1.900 48.30 6.120 155.4 0.880 22.30 2.880 73.15 4 0.880 22.40 4.500 114.3 3.25
2 2.375 60.30 6.500 165.1 1.000 25.40 3.620 91.90 8 0.750 19.10 5.000 127.0 4.15
21/2 2.875 73.00 7.500 190.5 1.120 28.40 4.120 104.6 8 0.880 22.40 5.880 149.4 6.13
3 3.500 88.90 8.250 209.5 1.250 31.70 5.000 127.0 8 0.880 22.40 6.620 168.1 8.44
31/2 4.000 101.6 9.000 228.6 1.380 35.00 5.500 139.7 8 1.000 25.40 7.250 184.2 11.0
4 4.500 114.3 10.75 273.1 1.500 38.10 6.190 157.2 8 1.000 25.40 8.500 215.9 17.3
5 5.563 141.3 13.00 330.2 1.750 44.50 7.310 185.7 8 1.120 28.40 10.50 266.7 29.4
6 6.625 168.3 14.00 355.6 1.880 47.80 8.500 215.9 12 1.120 28.40 11.50 292.1 36.1
8 8.625 219.1 16.50 419.1 2.190 55.60 10.62 269.7 12 1.250 31.75 13.75 349.3 58.9
10 10.75 273.0 20.00 508.0 2.500 63.50 12.75 323.9 16 1.380 35.10 17.00 431.8 97.5
12 12.75 323.8 22.00 558.8 2.620 66.55 15.00 381.0 20 1.380 35.10 19.25 489.0 124
14 14.00 355.6 23.75 603.3 2.750 69.85 16.25 412.8 20 1.500 38.10 20.75 527.1 151
16 16.00 406.4 27.00 685.8 3.000 76.20 18.50 469.9 20 1.620 41.10 23.75 603.3 214
18 18.00 457.2 29.25 743.0 3.250 82.60 21.00 533.4 20 1.750 44.50 25.75 654.1 272
20 20.00 508.0 32.00 812.8 3.500 88.90 23.00 584.2 24 1.750 44.50 28.50 723.9 349
24 24.00 609.6 37.00 939.8 4.000 101.6 27.25 692.2 24 2.000 50.80 33.00 838.2 533

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 900

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 4.750 120.6 0.880 22.30 1.380 35.10 4 0.880 22.30 3.250 82.50 1.77
3/4 1.050 26.70 5.120 130.0 1.000 25.40 1.690 42.90 4 0.880 22.30 3.500 88.90 2.42
1 1.315 33.40 5.880 149.3 1.120 28.40 2.000 50.80 4 1.000 25.40 4.000 101.6 3.57
11/4 1.660 42.20 6.250 158.7 1.120 28.40 2.500 63.50 4 1.000 25.40 4.380 111.2 4.15
11/2 1.900 48.30 7.000 177.8 1.250 31.70 2.880 73.15 4 1.120 28.40 4.880 123.9 5.75
2 2.375 60.30 8.500 215.9 1.500 38.10 3.620 91.90 8 1.000 25.40 6.500 165.1 10.1
21/2 2.875 73.00 9.620 244.3 1.620 41.10 4.120 104.6 8 1.120 28.40 7.500 190.5 14.0
3 3.500 88.90 9.500 241.3 1.500 38.10 5.000 127.0 8 1.000 25.40 7.500 190.5 13.1
4 4.500 114.3 11.50 292.1 1.750 44.50 6.190 157.2 8 1.250 31.70 9.250 234.9 26.9
5 5.563 141.3 13.75 349.2 2.000 50.80 7.310 185.7 8 1.380 35.00 11.00 279.4 36.5
6 6.625 168.3 15.00 381.0 2.190 55.60 8.500 215.9 12 1.250 31.70 12.50 317.0 47.40
8 8.625 219.1 18.50 469.9 2.500 63.50 10.62 269.7 12 1.500 38.10 15.50 393.7 82.5
10 10.75 273.0 21.50 546.1 2.750 69.85 12.75 323.9 16 1.500 38.10 18.50 469.9 122
12 12.75 323.8 24.00 609.6 3.120 79.25 15.00 381.0 20 1.500 38.10 21.00 533.4 173
14 14.00 355.6 25.25 641.3 3.380 85.80 16.25 412.8 20 1.620 41.10 22.00 558.8 206
16 16.00 406.4 27.75 704.8 3.500 88.90 18.50 469.9 20 1.750 44.40 24.25 615.9 259
18 18.00 457.2 31.00 787.4 4.000 101.6 21.00 533.4 20 2.000 50.80 27.00 685.8 367
20 20.00 508.0 33.75 857.2 4.250 107.9 23.00 584.2 20 2.120 53.80 29.50 749.3 463
24 24.00 609.6 41.00 1041.4 5.500 139.7 27.25 692.2 20 2.620 66.55 35.50 901.7 876

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 1500

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 4.750 120.6 0.880 22.30 1.380 35.10 4 0.880 22.30 3.250 82.50 1.77
3/4 1.050 26.70 5.120 130.0 1.000 25.40 1.690 42.90 4 0.880 22.30 3.500 88.90 2.42
1 1.315 33.40 5.880 149.3 1.120 28.40 2.000 50.80 4 1.000 25.40 4.000 101.6 3.57
11/4 1.660 42.20 6.250 158.7 1.120 28.40 2.500 63.50 4 1.000 25.40 4.380 111.2 4.15
11/2 1.900 48.30 7.000 177.8 1.250 31.70 2.880 73.15 4 1.120 28.40 4.880 123.9 5.75
2 2.375 60.30 8.500 215.9 1.500 38.10 3.620 91.90 8 1.000 25.40 6.500 165.1 10.1
21/2 2.875 73.00 9.620 244.3 1.620 41.10 4.120 104.6 8 1.120 28.40 7.500 190.5 14.0
3 3.500 88.90 10.50 266.7 1.880 47.70 5.000 127.0 8 1.250 31.70 8.000 203.2 19.1
4 4.500 114.3 12.25 311.1 2.120 53.80 6.190 157.2 8 1.380 35.00 9.500 241.3 29.9
5 5.563 141.3 14.75 374.6 2.880 73.15 7.310 185.7 8 1.620 41.10 11.50 292.1 58.4
6 6.625 168.3 15.50 393.7 3.250 82.50 8.500 215.9 12 1.500 38.10 12.50 317.5 71.8
8 8.625 219.1 19.00 482.6 3.620 91.90 10.62 269.7 12 1.750 44.40 15.50 393.7 122
10 10.75 273.0 23.00 584.2 4.250 107.9 12.75 323.9 12 2.000 50.80 19.00 482.6 210
12 12.75 323.8 26.50 673.1 4.880 123.9 15.00 381.0 16 2.120 53.8 22.50 571.5 316
14 14.00 355.6 29.50 749.3 5.250 133.3 16.25 412.8 16 2.380 60.45 25.00 635.0 420
16 16.00 406.4 32.50 825.5 5.750 146.0 18.50 469.9 16 2.620 66.55 27.75 704.8 558
18 18.00 457.2 36.00 914.4 6.380 162.0 21.00 533.4 16 2.880 73.15 30.50 774.7 760
20 20.00 508.0 38.75 984.2 7.000 177.8 23.00 584.2 16 3.120 79.25 32.75 831.8 965
24 24.00 609.6 46.00 1168.4 8.000 203.2 27.25 692.2 16 3.620 91.90 39.00 990.6 1558

Blind Flange Dimensions Class 2500

Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter (in) Outside Diameter (mm) Overall Diameter (in) Overall Diameter (mm) Flange Thickness min (in) Flange Thickness min (mm) Face Diameter (in) Face Diameter (mm) Number of Holes Bolt Hole Diameter (in) Bolt Hole Diameter (mm) Diameter of Circle of Holes (in) Diameter of Circle of Holes (mm) Weight (kg/piece)
1/2 0.840 21.30 5.250 133.4 1.190 30.20 1.380 35.10 4 0.880 22.40 3.500 88.90 2.99
3/4 1.050 26.70 5.500 139.7 1.250 31.70 1.690 42.90 4 0.880 22.40 3.750 95.30 3.50
1 1.315 33.40 6.250 158.8 1.380 35.10 2.000 50.80 4 1.000 25.40 4.250 108.0 4.96
11/4 1.660 42.20 7.250 184.2 1.500 38.10 2.500 63.50 4 1.120 28.40 5.120 130.0 7.35
11/2 1.900 48.30 8.000 203.2 1.750 44.50 2.880 73.15 4 1.250 31.75 5.750 146.1 10.4
2 2.375 60.30 9.250 235.0 2.000 50.80 3.620 91.90 8 1.120 28.40 6.750 171.5 15.6
21/2 2.875 73.00 10.50 266.7 2.250 57.15 4.120 104.6 8 1.250 31.75 7.750 196.9 22.6
3 3.500 88.90 12.00 304.8 2.620 66.55 5.000 127.0 8 1.380 35.10 9.000 228.6 34.8
4 4.500 114.3 14.00 355.6 3.000 76.20 6.190 157.2 8 1.620 41.10 10.75 273.1 53.9
5 5.563 141.3 16.50 419.1 3.620 91.90 7.310 185.7 8 1.888 47.88 12.75 323.9 90.8
6 6.625 168.3 19.00 482.6 4.250 108.0 8.500 215.9 8 2.120 53.80 14.50 368.3 141
8 8.625 219.1 21.75 552.5 5.000 127.0 10.62 269.7 12 2.120 53.80 17.25 438.2 214
10 10.75 273.0 26.50 673.1 6.500 165.1 12.75 323.9 12 2.620 66.55 21.25 539.8 411
12 12.75 323.8 30.00 762.0 7.250 184.2 15.00 381.0 12 2.880 73.15 24.38 619.3 592

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